
Thursday, March 14, 2013

a Snap a Set and a Song - Book

my Snap

The oldest book I own was my mother's when she was a girl.
There's something special about an old book.
Even if it is in a bad state of disrepair.

my Set

My set this week is based on a bygone era.
I love reading books set in the past.


my Song

I loved this song in the 80s.
It still gets me bopping today.

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  1. I love old books - although I am very much in favor of my Kindle or iPad for reading. For what I might read in a paperback, my ereaders serve the same purpose. But the books in my library are special.

    I too had to stretch things - in my case it was for the set.

  2. Your set is GORGEOUS! I would so love to wear the dress and shoes - swoon!

    Your mother's book is very special; does it have coloured plates in it?

    Elvis Costello is such an underrated artist. There's not many people I know who know his music.

    Brilliant SS and S! xx

  3. I read this book, in a more modern format when I was little and then What Katy Did Next - memories, My parents have many old books that I love looking through, esp all of Shakespeare's works, like nearly 100 years old.
